1. Participation in E-twinning project gave an opportunity to familiarize with the practice management in partner school and to compare it with practice in our school. It also enabled to practice English language.
2. I got an experience in web-based co-operation and communication on the international level. We saw how important work planning, sticking to deadlines and team work are.
3. We felt, that although the distance between us is pretty far, there are lots of similarities in students’ practice and school life. We developed an interest to learn more about Czech country and culture.
4. We find that the project accomplished its goal. Comparing practices proved how important are work experience and practical skill in both Estonian and Czech labor market.
5. Yes, we are interested in meeting the partners. It will enable to communicate more intense and not only to discuss the topics limited to the project.
6. We interested in similar projects and we find that more schools should be included.